Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5th Day of Twisted: Guest Post by Eileen Cruz Coleman

Today's guest author is Eileen Cruz Coleman, author of Rumpel.  Enjoy!

I first heard the story of Rumpelstiltskin when I was seven years old. I remember sitting in "circle time" while my teacher read the story. When she got to the end, I felt that there had to be more to the story. I honestly thought she had read us a shortened version and that the longer version was out there somewhere! From that day on, the story of Rumpelstiltskin fascinated me. I wanted to know why he wanted a baby. What was he going to do with it once he got it? Who were the people in his life? What was his world like? What was his childhood like? All of these questions led me to write Rumpel which is a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin.

In keeping with the original Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpel is dark and at times disturbing, yet it also has a light and quirky element to it in that it is told from the point of view of many different characters all of which play an integral part of the story and how it unfolds. We also get to know Rumpelstiltskin as a child, then as a young man, and finally as a brokenhearted adult.

When my previous literary agent was not able to sell Rumpel to traditional publishers, I thought long and hard about what to do with Rumpel. With the advent of e-publishing, I decided to publish Rumpel on Amazon Kindle and let readers decide its fate.

I couldn’t be more thrilled with my decision to publish Rumpel on Amazon Kindle and later on Smashwords and Barnes and Noble. Rumpel is being read and gaining momentum. As a writer that’s all I can really ask for.
I’m planning a sequel to Rumpel which I hope to release within a year. In the meantime, just in time for Halloween, I’m publishing, Taker of Light, a post-apocalyptic speculative fiction story inspired by the Brothers Grimm's lesser-known fairytale, Godfather Death, in which Death raises a child who then betrays him. When a deep darkness descends on earth, sixteen-year-old Raylie must protect herself from the source of the darkness and from the aliens who are seeking to colonize earth when their planet is destroyed.

Happy Halloween!

Here is a link to Rumpel on Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Rumpel-Cursed-Tales-Novel-ebook/dp/B00408ASDW/


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